Fadhylla Saballos
Director of Nutrition and Outreach at Montefiore’s Bronx Health Collective
Fadhylla Saballos (pronounced Fa-thee-lah) is the Director of Nutrition and Outreach at Montefiore’s Bronx Health Collective, formerly known as Community Pediatric Programs. She graduated from the CUNY Graduate School of Public Health & Health Policy with a Master's in Public Health Nutrition and simultaneously completed the CUNY Hunter College Dietetic Internship. Fadhylla has worked in various community nutrition education programs including the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene’s Stellar Farmers’ Market program, Just Food's Community Chef Program, and the Children’s Aid Society’s Go! Healthy Eat Smart program. Fadhylla has a passion for food justice and accessibility and in her spare time she volunteers at her local farmers’ market in Brooklyn.