Terra Firma National was founded in response to the growing number of unaccompanied immigrant children and families arriving in the United States seeking humanitarian protection and to optimize coordinated healthcare and legal services to meet their complex needs. Terra Firma National's goal is to replicate its wrap-around model of care, honed over nearly a decade, to address the gap in services that exists throughout the country. Collaborative research by the network aims to better understand the complex needs of the population and the model of care. The national network aims to enhance advocacy to improve the well-being of newly-arrived immigrant children and families.
Strategic Domains
Support our Flagship Program, which is our groundbreaking wrap around model of care that provides co-located medical, mental health and legal services at the Bronx Health Collective, a South Bronx community health center.
Build a national network of replicated sites based on the flagship program’s model.
Engage in policy and advocacy for health equity and justice for immigrant children and families seeking asylum.
Conduct research on the healthcare, legal, social and acculturative needs of unaccompanied minors and families seeking asylum in the US.